Saturday, December 29, 2012

Veterans prone to headaches

While our in honor of the brave soldiers who fought so hard for our country's Veterans ' Day reminds, let's not forget that many of them still today fight in a different way yet. A new study from the University of California, San Diego, suggests that veterans who physical injuries or developed post-traumatic stress disorder after combat in Iraq or Afghanistan can suffer from recurring headaches.

According to the study, 308 veterans surveyed, were those who had suffered injuries against greater risk of the development of the headaches of the migraine. At the same time, those who had screened positive for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) elevated rates of migraine and tension-type headache. Overall, vets with physical injuries only had more than twice the risk of recurring headaches as those without such injuries. The risk was four times higher among veterans with PTSD than those without it.

In addition, the researchers found that bodily injury veterans more prone to migraines only, created while PTSD was linked to migraine and tension-type headache. The study authors write that PTSD can be linked to headaches because psychological stress lead headache by natural physiological reactions of the body to stress can.

Regardless of what the cause of headaches in veterans, but the researchers say that this link between wartime injury and recurring headache suggests that veterans of comprehensive evaluations of their physical, mental and emotional health can benefit in order to find the best treatment options for them.

View the original article here


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