Saturday, December 29, 2012

Migraines Linked To Behavioral Problems In Kids

Editor's Choice
Main Category: Pediatrics / Children's Health
Also Included In: Headache / Migraine
Article Date: 17 Sep 2012 - 11:00 PDT Current ratings for:
Migraines Linked To Behavioral Problems In Kids
5 stars4 and a half stars
Children with migraines are much more inclined to suffer from behavioral issues, such as anxiety, depression, and social and attention issues than those who do not have headaches.

The more recurrent the headaches, the more likely the chance of a behavioral disorder developing, according to the new study published in Cephalagia.

Marco Arruda, director of the Glia Institute in São Paulo, Brazil, together with Marcelo Bigal of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, conducted a study of 1,856 Brazilian children ages 5 to 11 which looked at the connection of emotional symptoms with migraine and tension-type headaches (TTH).

The study used headache surveys, in addition to the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), to measure emotional symptoms. The researchers instructed teachers how to walk parents through the questionnaires, step by step.

Children with migraines had a much greater probability of irregular behavioral scores than children without headaches, primarily in social, anxiety-depressive, internalizing, and attention areas.

Children with TTH were affected in the same areas, but to a lesser extent. With more frequency of headaches, abnormal behavioral scores increased. Over half of the migraine sufferers had issues with internalizing behaviors. Externalizing behaviors, such as breaking rules or becoming aggressive, were no more likely among the children with headaches. The authors advised that the CBCL may not be efficient enough to measure this correlation in detail.

Arruda explains:

"As previously reported by others, we found that migraine was associated with social problems. The 'social' domain identifies difficulties in social engagement as well as infantilized behavior for the age and this may be associated with important impact on the personal and social life."

Children frequently suffer from migraines, which affect over three percent to one fifth of children from early childhood to adolescence. Earlier research has suggested that children with migraines are more likely to have other psychological and physical problems, including depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, and attention disorders.

Authors suggest including factors, such as headache frequency, is important, although often left out of studies - until recently. Health providers can now be aware of this possibility in children and properly treat the problem.

Written by Kelly Fitzgerald
Copyright: Medical News Today
Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

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posted by kimberly ramay on 7 Nov 2012 at 5:28 pm

i have a 22 year old daughter who was diagnosed with migraines at the age of 13 shes been on medication for almost 10 years she does have depression and phycical and adhd she also gets aggresive at the doctors want to do a catscane to check for tumers i dont think that is the problem can you help

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posted by Marcia Guimaraes MD PhD on 19 Sep 2012 at 9:52 am

The research directs our attention to the possible connections between headaches & migraines & behavioral problems in children. There is also need to include photofobia and reading disabilities in this research - we have undergone a review of 92 cases of migraines and headaches in children and in our series most of them also had altered behavioral patterns.

If the authors are interested we'd like to share our data with them.

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'Migraines Linked To Behavioral Problems In Kids'

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