Sunday, December 30, 2012

Migraine sufferers are more prone to hangovers

While a headache after a night of drinking for the general public can be quite general, new studies show that hangovers may be more frequently in migraine sufferers. Researchers at the Jefferson headache Center developed a model to study the effects of alcohol on rats who suffer recurrent migraines, compared to rats that do not get headaches. The results, which were presented at Neuroscience 2009, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, in Chicago, are quite fascinating.

Migraine headaches are associated with hypersensitivity to light, sound and light touch on the head and face. The researchers measured rats sensitivity to touch around the eye in four different test groups: two groups received repeated dural simulation to cause headache, followed by an oral ingestion of saline or alcohol (the equivalent of one to two shots of liquor). Two control groups received no inflammatory stimulation, but the same each received oral intake of salt or alcohol.

The rats that received the stimulation followed with alcohol increased pain sensitivity after 4-6 hours, while the control groups had no change in pain sensitivity. The researchers made sure that dehydration and alcohol impurities were excluded as causes of increased sensitivity by hydrating the rats and ensuring the alcohol was free of contaminants.

According to the study leader Dr. Michael Oshinsky, Ph.d., Assistant professor of Neurology at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, "the alcohol itself or a metabolite must be causing the hangover-like headache." Dr. Oshinsky ultimately concluded that "these data confirm the clinical observation that people with migraine are more sensitive to alcohol-induced headaches."

For more information about the causes and treatments for Hangover headache symptoms, visit

View the original article here


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