Saturday, December 29, 2012

Driving with migraines

Laws against driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are understandable. But what about driving under the influence of a migraine?

Megan Oltman, author of free my brain from Migraine pain, presents a unique story of a woman in the u.s. who almost her license suspended because of her migraines. According to Oltman, the story goes as follows: "her son, who lived at home, had his driving privileges suspended and apply for a limited license was so that he could drive himself to work. Since the mother was home, said the MVC [motor vehicle Commission] initially that the mother could drive him to work. The mother let them know that they could not always drive him because if she had a migraine, she could not drive. The MVC used this as a reason to review her driving privileges, with a suggestion that they can suspend its license. "

As evidenced by this story, is the way that the law usually deals with the question of driving with any medical condition, migraine included, monitor, restrict and sometimes suspend licences. This brings both moral and legal issues relating to the idea of fairness in relation to responsibility for migraine sufferers.

On the one hand, migraine may itself decide when they can or cannot drive. They know better than anyone the pain and discomfort, and how debilitating migraines can be linked. Most don't want to drive in such a State anyway. Moreover, it seems as if the woman in the story is punished for her own migraine avoid driving during a self-reporting.

On the other hand, it is the responsibility of MVCs to protect all drivers of potential damage on the road, and this means keeping people who might be potential risks of the road. It is the reason for road tests and tests that vision, and why sometimes people with diseases such as epilepsy are banned from driving. Migraines can be crippling and often have very quick, unexpected beginning. Revision of the licenses of migraine might be the MVCs way of risk reduction.

Anyway, drivers suffering from migraines should always have a backup plan for getting around during an unexpected migraine. Oltman suggests a phone list of friends and family who you where you can go if needed, as well as the number of a cab company.

Visit for more information and analyses relating to the subject matter of driving with migraines, and for more information about migraines and their symptoms, check out the NHS website at

View the original article here


1 comment:

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