Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tell us about your life at the college, and how you deal with your headaches!

As anyone who suffers from migraines, getting things done can witnesses can sometimes be impossible. So what happens if you're a student taking a full-load of courses, work a part-time job, and try to have some semblance of a social life? I've suffered from chronic daily headache (CDH) for over 7 years now, but I can say with confidence that I live as a successful college Junior despite my pain am life. I am not saying that my headaches have disappeared, and I am not saying that the pain does not ever get the best of me. Road to the college, however, has provided me a unique opportunity to take control over my health. Here are some things that I like about my headache in the past two and a half years at the college have discovered:

Migraine attacks are going to happen. And they are likely to happen at the worst possible time. Getting upset and stressed about it is a normal reaction, but it is not going to help anything. Take some medicine, some sleep, and concentrate on getting the cycle. Treat everything as soon as you feel more comfortable.People are more understanding than you might think. Talk to your professors, your roommates, and your employers early on. it is up to you to your college experience as headache-friendly as possible.Don't be afraid to say no. If you are experiencing a migraine attack, it may not be a bad idea to stay in for the night. There will be more parties. You can feel excluded in the moment for not going, but that's better than not being able to get out of bed the next day because you overdid it.Don't be afraid to say Yes. This is college! These four years go by faster than you can think of, and you want to look back on it with no regrets. If you have the anticipation of a headache stop you from diving in to let you all the great opportunities, you will miss college brings in front of you.Remember, you're not alone. I came to college thinking that I had nobody to run here. Ironically, within the first month of school, I had a good friend via my rhetoric class which turned out to be terrible migraine five or six times per month! It was important to know that I had someone to talk to who understood what I was going through. Since then I've meet a handful of other people experiencing the same thing.

Dealing with headache is never an easy thing to do, especially if the hectic life of a college student. All tips and tricks in the world won't change that. But if you take the driver's seat, your college experience doesn't have to be anything less than amazing. So for all you students out there, what is your advice? Tell us about your life at the college, and how you deal with your headaches!

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